Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
For the better part of the last decade, the issue of gays in the military have become either a big problem or a big drama of the 21st century.
Don’t ask, don’t tell is simple--what a person does in his or her personal life shouldn’t concern their employer or the government, unless they maybe bring shame upon them. If a person is gay, and wants to serve his country who are we to deny him or her that right, they shouldn’t have to hide who they are or who they’ve become. We all have a calling--some are to be parents, or businessmen, chefs and even soldiers, so if any of those people are gay or straight, how does that define their profession? If someone is not doing their job, then yes I agree with your employer or whomever attacking you, questioning your ability. But your sexuality, I don’t agree. In the wake of 9/11 patriotism has risen to level, I had not seen in my whole life. America is about freedom and it’s what our armed forces are fighting for--OUR FREEDOM. We live in a country where we are free to express our individuality in every possible way, and if one of those ways is for two men to walk hand in hand down the street, who are we to deny them that freedom, why should they hide who they are. Gays in the military shouldn’t be any different, if a man or woman wants to defend this country, but just happens to be homosexual, what is the problem? Don’t ask, don’t tell shouldn’t be this big a deal. Society has made it acceptable for us to be who we are, so why can’t homosexuals be who they are in the military. Their homosexuality doesn’t define the job they do for this country. It will no stop them from saving a life, or defending a fellow solider, or taking down the enemy. Serving openly shouldn’t be up for discussion, they are not gays or lesbians serving, no they are men and women serving this country. At the end of the day, we are all human--we are no better than each other because of our status or the car we drive or if we are straight to gay--We are all humans.

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