"Oilmageddon": Who Will Play Who in The BP Movie

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This weekend will mark month two of the BP Oil in the Gulf and a real solution has not arrived yet. But like me, most of America would love to see the behind the seens of what is really going on.  For instance who's not stepping up to deal with this problem or who's ideas are just one big flop after another. Well, who do you think will play the key roles in a the BP movie? Check it out.

BP CEO Tony Hayward: Michael Sheen

President Obama : Will Smith

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: Aziz Ansari

@BPGlobalPR's "Terry": Rainn Wilson

Thad Allen: Brian Doyle-Murray

Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu: Kathleen Turner

And...Kevin Costner: Kevin Costner


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