Statewide Day of Prayer For Louisiana

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yesterday, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal issued an order making tomorrow Sunday, June 27th, 2010 a day of “Statewide Day of Prayer.” The state of Louisiana and Gulf of Mexico are suffering from BP’s two month oil spill—the largest in American history.

The day of prayer does not fall solely on Gov. Jindal; it's on Republican
  Senator Robert Adley who introduced this to the Louisiana State Senate last week.
Senator Adley sees no solution by anyone to save the gulf, although they are trying, he says that it is just time for a miracle. Jindal on Friday stated “Louisianans’ all across the world are united in hope for an end to this catastrophic event and pray for the recovery of our coastline, the rehabilitation of our fish and wildlife and the restoration of our extraordinary coastal areas that are unlike any other place in the world."
The state of Louisiana is has been struck by disaster—one after the other; with hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike. These hurricanes have impacted many of the same communities now being struck by oil; which is the largest oil spill in American history.

Both Governor Jindal and Senator Adley are hoping for a miracle, one they think will only come from God. Tomorrow will be the day the state as a whole will offer their prayers—hoping for a break, a miracle, and an end to this disaster that has turned the nation up sided down once again.


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