World Refugee Day

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just imagine if the entire population of Canada were forced to run for their lives today, that would make all of them displaced and a "refugee". A refugee is someone who is force to flee their mother country because of harassment-politically, religiously, violently etc.  This is happening around they world everyday, in countries like Iran, Sudan, Somalia and many more. Every year since 2001, June 20th is dedicated to the over 40 million refugees of the world.

Those 40 million people run to save their lives and it is not guaranteed that they will ever return to their mother land. They run from armed conflict, rape, mutilation--anything that harasses them. And where do they run to, it's called refugee camps, and being there doesn't mean that they are safe or they will even be fed, but to them it's better than living in fear day in and day out.

Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations, Angelina Jolie filmed a promotional video for this year's World Refugee Day. Check it out.


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