HAITI: A Year Later

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More than 230,000 were killed and 1 million left homeless when a 7.0 quake struck Haiti last January. I am positive when I say most of the world's heart went out to the small island and it's people. Images, pleads and cries for help are still embedded in much of our minds and although the world may have moved on and sadly forgotten about Haiti, there are still thousands and thousands of Haitians who pray  that their tragedy on that January day has not been forgotten by the world.

It was a year of unforgettable hardships and hope for the Haitian people. More than 1 million are displaced--living in tents and tarpaulins. The reconstruction phase that was set to begin last March, has barley begun. It was sadly put on hold, because of the outburst of Cholera and a disruptive presidential election. 
It was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years.Dead bodies lay amid the rubble for days as Haitians fled, their capital in shambles.A study by the Inter-American Development Bank estimates the total cost of the disaster could be between $7.2 billion and $13.2 billion.

For most Haitians, misery is constant and although there are tons and tons of aid and help and volunteers--for some hope maybe slipping. Misery defines almost their entire lives. Imagine living in a world where it's  not getting better, just getting more worst day by day and then the big hit.  You loose your family, your friends, the shack you call home and the being struck with cholera and no medical care. Imagine what life for a person who has gone through all of that in the span of one year. The pain, a normal human being may never feel or come to understand.



Anonymous said...

That was very touching :)

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