Will we find Bin Laden?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In 2001, America took the biggest attack ever, known to the world as September 11th. It was the saddest day in American history. Our President assured the people we would find the man responsible for the over 2000 deaths.

In 2001, months after September 11th President Bush stated:

I don't care, dead or alive either way. I mean I uh, it doesn't matter to me. Secondly, I don't know if we're gonna get him tomorrow or a month from now, or a year from now, but we're gonna get him.

This was the cowboy in Bush, as the media labeled him, but that was then and this was Tuesday night on Larry King Live:

Larry King: ...Are we ever, ever going to find bin Laden?
Bush: Yes, of course. Absolutely.
King: You are confident, based on --
Bush: Because we have a lot of people looking for him, a lot of assets out there. He can't run forever. Just like the people who allegedly were involved in the East African bombings, couple of them were brought to justice recently.
King: Did we ever come close?
Bush: I don't know. I can't answer that.

King: You don't know.
Bush: I really don't know. I'm not trying to hide anything.


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