An Icon Turns 91

Sunday, July 19, 2009

If there is anyone I want to meet before I am taken from this world, it is non other than Nelson Mandela. What a man!! I mean, words cannot describe what he has done for society. As an individual, his work and commitment to society is remarkable. I think being in his presence makes us want to be a better person, makes us want to strive to be and make a difference in this crazy world.
Mandela, this past Saturday celebrated his 91st birthday, asking that everyone engage in doing a good deed. Sadly I did not, but I too will have a birthday soon and it is what I plan on doing. You know, it's not about the partying and, bar hopping or going to an exclusive club on South Beach. I mean don't get me wrong, when I was a kid my parents always had parties with friends and family for us and I did spend my college years celebrating at the club. But I think as we (my brother and I) grew older, it came more about meaningful things.
Mandela celebrated his 91st birthday, by celebrating his life. Mandela day, as it was known this year was a celebration of his life and a global call to action for people to recognize their individual power to make an imprint and change the world around them.
You know, a global change, can start with just one small action, and it can begin with you! Sadly this world seems to be getting harder and more corrupt and superficial as the days go by. I seem to be surrounded by a lot od people who, seem to care only about the fancy purses and partying, which is each is own. But I think there are more important things happening, things that we can make an imprint on. At the end of the day, would you rather have a list of all the clubs and parties you went to....or a list of people of things you had an impact on, because you wanted to see a change in this world.....Something to think about huh?
Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela!!!!!


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