U.S pulls out of Iraq

Sunday, June 28, 2009

On Tuesday June 30th, it will be a national holiday in Iraq.
The Iraqis will be celebrating the partial withdrawal of the United States military from most cities and towns.

On July 1st any US military left in the city will become trainers, giving the Iraqi military all the power. So, ready or not, the Iraqis will have to stand on their own starting next week. But what happens to all those soldiers who are leaving?

Well, they are not going too far. The American troops will move to a huge operation base in the middle of the Western Dessert. The United States spent about $100 million dollars improving the conditions of this base, leading to suspicions that those troops will not be going any where. Those suspicions are probably right-- if the Iraqis find themselves in big trouble; they will be able to call on the American troops for help.

So, I ask you, who do these politicians think they are fooling?

Obama kept the same Bush timeline on pulling troops out of Iraq (this was just one of the things, after becoming President-elect, he flipped on) in 2011.

This Tuesday the first set of troops will leave. Next summer, all troops must leave and by 2011, all combats, including trainers MUST leave. Iraq will then have to deal with Iran, whom they have been putting on hold.

American troops will only stay if Iraq request them…I’m thinking: they will, if they have to deal with Iran. But until then.…"Happy standing on your own day Iraq."


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