It seems that Wilson doesn't believe Obama or the democrats when it comes to illegal immigrants and health care. But does Joe Wilson care what happens to the illegal immigrants or was he just upset that a democrat is trying to pass a bill? Well we may never know, since he may never admit why he acted in such a immature way.
It's not even about Obama, but about being an American, especially being two days away from the anniversary of a horrific day for this country. I mean it wasn't just the United States watching this address, it was the world. You know people already look at us as a joke, all we need is some fool screaming out words to the President of the Free World in the middle of an important address to Congress. As a political figure who was elected, does Wilson really think that was an appropriate way to act towards the President of the United States, whether you agreed with him or not? I think not, you can't go around the US Capitol screaming out things and acting a fool, especially in the presence of the President. I mean have some respect!!!!!

Wilson broke tradition on Wednesday night with his out burst, this was the first time ever at a joint congressional address has this ever happened. I mean nothing like this happened in G.W administration, when he stood up there and gave us reasons why we need to be in this war, or when Bill Clinton in his first term tried to pass a health care bill of his own. Are the republicans still in shock that the United States harbors the first black president or are they still upset that McCain couldn't bring it home for them? Whatever it maybe, Obama once again made history on Wednesday night, sort of.
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