Let's start with Joe Wilson, you sir are an idiot, no two ways about it. What you did was by far the most stupidest thing ever done on Capitol Hill. If you have a problem with the President's Health care bill.....don't vote on it, you know you can do that right? I don't care who you are, but you don't ever-never disrespect the President of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Granted, I felt Bush deserved that shoe, since he brought this country down. But there are just people you don't do that too....one of them being the President of the Free World.
Secondly, President Jimmy Carter, although I admire and love what you have been doing since your presidency, there is a reason why you served only one term. President Obama's critics are attacking him because he is the President, not because he is black. So don't come out and make such comments like " Obama is critized because he is black, don't pull the racism card. You know, Obama has not once come out and said "Gosh it sure must be racism, that people are hard on me." No, he comes out like the intelligent man that he is and states what is really going on.....the right don't like the left. It doesn't matter if it were McCain, Obama, Clinton or Palin....they all would have gotten grief from the opposition and the media for any bill they wanted to pass.
Look, America has come a long long long long way and for us to still keep bring up that no one likes us because we are a certain color or race or gender, I mean come on, it's 2009. The majority of the country elected a black man as the President of the United States, elected a woman as the speaker of the house, the second largest following for the 2008 presidential election was for a woman. The greatest golfer is black ,the greatest rapper is white. Colon Powell and Condelezza Rice are republicans and Bill Clinton is still considered the first black president. Get over it.
If President Obama is being the bigger man and not focusing on the fact that he is black, we need to to the same. Let me tell you why Obama doesn't focus on the fact that he is black.... it's because he is half WHITE, America you seem to forget that. His mother is as white as they come, remember that. Also, remember it is country first, party second and canidate third. Look, Obama has a heck of a job to do and if it were Hillary serving this term, she would have the same hard job. But let me guess, if it were her....it would be that she is a woman, that's why they are hard on her, or McCain is too old, or Palin has no experience and cares for her looks. Do you see the point I am try to get across, it's not about OBAMA being BLACK, its the fact that he is the President.
America, get over it and stop thinking that every attack on the President is because he is black, its not. He just happens to be at the center of everything and it is nothing new for the citizens of this country to blame the governement for their problems. People are acting like things like this has never happened, that Jay Leno never made fun of a President and the media never attacked the adminitration and people never protest. Get over it.
Very well put!
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