Rio in 2016: A Slap in America's Face?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chicago: kicked out in the first round....are you surprised? I was surprised that we got kicked out in the first round, but I wasn't surprised that we didn't lock in the 2016 Olympics. Just so the United States knows....we are dealing with a war, health care and unemployment and although it was a nice gesture President Obama did in going to Denmark, sadly it was unnecessary. The United States is not what it use to be and people don't really like us around the world. America needs to get off thier high horse and stop thinking they are the "super power" of the world and they deserve everything.They need to stop bragging about being the No.1 country in the world, and start acting like it!
The U.S not locking in the Olympics showed two things: 1) Obama is not as powerful as most people may think he is, his impact on the world cannot match that of President Bill Clinton. If it were Bill Clinton, we would have doubt, but sadly Obama has not been around long enough to impact the world and 2) people don't really like or respect us very much, and that maybe hard to stomach, but it is reality. MSNBC (the Obama station) aired last night a video,where they (ICO members) were laughing at the fact that Chicago was on the list and was happy the windy state was eliminated in the first round. We shouldn't have gone there, for some of America it was being patriotic and but to them is was a joke, because of the state this country is currently in. Going to Denmark and lobbying for one of the greatest sporting events was, like I said a "nice gesture" but we are dealing with more pressing matters and one of them is not the 2016 Olympics. If you disagree, WOW! The American people are concerned about having food on the table, since last month 263,000 jobs were lost, that's 9.8%. Obama should have been focusing on how to create more jobs rather than the Olympics. Some people don't even care about health care, far less the Olympics....they care about having food on the table and a roof over their head. I am sorry, but 2016 and having to spend money to make Chicago look pretty for the rest of the world...We don't need.

As for Brazil, I guess congrats are in order, but don't you think you are being a little bit greedy. I mean you have the World Cup in 2014!


Ronny Cush on October 5, 2009 at 3:15 AM said...

I don't even Clinton could bring the olympics to Chicago, I think all we see is smoke and mirrors and things are not what they appear to be, the same people will profit from the games where ever they are held, think on that :-)

Ria Kh8n on October 11, 2009 at 8:17 PM said...

My point Mr. Cush is that we or HE should be focusing on more important things....

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