Party Crashers

Saturday, November 28, 2009

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If you're going to crash a party, note to self make sure it doesn't involve the President of The United States. I mean really, how stupid can one person be or two people have to be in this case.

Last Tuesday President Obama held his first state dinner in honor of the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with 750 invited guests. Sadly there were two uninvited guest--being called "The Party Crashers", who showed up and made their way in; taking pictures with everyone, including the President. But I hope no one is putting this incident pass them about being caught, because if you asked me, they knew. They both knew if they got caught it would be international press coverage.....Making them at least some what celebrities.

Michaele and Tareq Salahi a "hoping to be famous" couple from Virgina crashed the President's first state dinner. The Salahis, are by far the most self absorbed, no care for anyone else kind of people, because if they did, they would know that someone would be held accountable for their crashing of a state dinner. And by accountable....most likely someone is getting fired. So here is to you Michaele and Tareq Salahi--I hope that this brings you fame and fortune---Oh and by the way a full criminal investigation are in the talks for your party crashing, so get prepared....I do hope it was worth it. I hope that this holiday season, while you are sipping on eggnog and eating your fancy remember the individuals who may possibly get fired for your stunt...You're STUPID stunt. You know all those prominent Indian folks who live in the United States and didn't get invited--you too should have crashed the party, since it is a slap in the face that these two non-cultured individuals got to experience something, I think you should have.

However, I am not just blaming The Salahis. Someone please explain to me if you don't have an invitation to a "State Dinner" how do you get in? How do you get pass secret service and shake the President's hand, take pictures with the Vice President and rub elbows with the people that lead this country. I mean, did anyone ask the Salahis where there invitation was? or who they even were? Part of me says, yeah you should get fired, I mean what if these were terrorist...The President, VP, Speak of the House, Secretary of State, Defense, you name it would all be dead. Did you think about that? I guess not.

The Salahis shake President Obama's Hand

The Salahis with the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
Michaele Salahi with GMA's Robin Roberts

Michaele Salahi with CBS's Katie Couric

Michaele and Tareq Salahi with Vice President Joe Biden

Michaele Salahi with Vice President Joe Biden


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