Palin Earns 100K for Tabloid Cover

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Are these photos really worth $100,000? It seems the tabloid magazine In-Touch Weekly thinks "the at home feeling with The Palins" are worth it.The Ex-Governor and her daughter pocketed an eye popping 100K for their " We choose Life" cover and exclusive photos of the two mothers and the rest of the gang.

It seems that Palin's choice to quit politics, was a good one. On an average year as Governor, she made $125,000 but for just eight hours in her home for some photos, she got $100,000. Plus she earns about 100,000 per every public-speaking event and she just added the multi year deal with the fair and balance team FOX News.

You know Palin, since you're making all this money, maybe you should take that 100K from the magazine, (the one you don't want to comment on) and give it to Haiti. Just a thought.

God Bless!
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