McCain-Ellen,walking down the isle?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Republican nominee John McCain was a guest on the hysterically Ellen DeGeneres Show this past week. The daytime show that is normally all funny and jokes, got serious as Ellen put the 71 year old candidate on the spot about gay marriage. The conversation was quite calm about this very touchy topic, both taking their stance at opposite ends.Ellen is planning her wedding to longtime girlfriend, while McCain feels marriage should be between a man and a women, the way God intended it to be.
I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, however to each is own. Who are we but mere beings to judge another individual because they choose to live life differently. God made us the way were are for a reason and if that means being gay, then so be it. It is the issues like this that people forget what is really at stake in this country, the issue shouldn't be if two women choose to get married or if two men choose to adopt a child, it is their prerogative. Politics shouldn't divide us, it should bring us together because there are bigger things at hand, like a WAR! We shouldn't vote for a candidate based on if he agrees with gay marriages or not. We should vote for him or her based on the campaign platforms, like education, the economy, bring our troops home, helping the poor. But it is not surprising that America's priorities are messed up.
Ellen jokingly asked the presidential candidate if he would do her the honor of walking her down the isle. He laughed it off, but one is to wonder what he was thinking. Last week the California Supreme Court ruled the banning of gay marriage in the state was unconstitutional.


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