One Down, Two to Go

Friday, November 28, 2008

Today in the US ,its Black Friday and we are all out shopping and getting ready for yet another Holiday season. But in India today, finally one of the three places that were held up by terrorist has been set free.

At the Oberoi Hotel, police finally made their way in, where they shot and killed two of gunmen, who according to the media showed no remorse. As of today the death toll has risen to 146 people. However; the work is not done, there are still hold ups at the Taj Hotel with one gunman and the Chad house, a Jewish center, with about two to three gunmen. Officials say that the gunmen had to have known the layout of the Taj Hotel to get by security with all these weapons. As this statement was being made, an explosion at the Taj went off, sending cops, reporters, by-standers running for cover.

The death toll has risen to 146 as of today, 6 of them foreigners, 14 officers and 327 are wounded. There are still two sites where there are hostages and with what has happen today killing two of the terrorists, that may only lead the other terrorists to kill more innocent people.


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