Tehran’s Craziness

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's been about two weeks now and the protest and anger felt by the Iranians are still in full effect. I am wondering, if the people are so angry about the outcome of this election, shouldn’t this be a BIG FLASHING RED LIGHT. Are the members of government not getthing that nobody wants Ahmadinejad to lead the country anymore.

I mean what is it going to take…..hundreds of people dieing or their country facing riots constantly because the citizens opposed the government. I mean really, we are not in the 1990s anymore. If Ahmadinejad won the election fair and square, why are so many people fighting on the streets everyday for the last week? It just doesn’t make sense to me. And if he was a good leader, he is still the President, right? Why isn’t he doing what needs to be done to restore peace? I mean do people even think about this.

In my opinion a leader wants there to be peace in his country and he or she will do whatever they need to do, so their citizens are safe (this would be a normal response, but who are we kidding, this guy is far from normal). Ahmadinejad threatens the world on a daily bases, he doesn’t care. Sadly he has something up his sleeve; the man wants to wipe Israel off the map. I mean, how can you win an election fair and square, when you make statements like “wiping a country off the map”. The people who voted for him….are they insane?

Either Ahmadinejad goes and there be peace or he stays and it will be "Ahmadinejad vs. the Iranian people". But I am sure he isn't going anywhere and he can careless what his people think of him, since he has bigger plans for the world. Good Luck Israel.


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