Stay Out Obama

Sunday, June 21, 2009

With the events taking place in Iran after its presidential election, it was only time that the United States had to get involve or want to get involve.

Look it’s great to want to help other countries and restore peace with in and what not. But the United States needs to understand that not everything is their battle. President Obama, stay out!!!!!!!! This is not your fight and it’s wonderful that you want to help, but let me just remind you that the current President of Iran, doesn’t really like the United States and if you go in and want to tell him how to deal with his country and his people, when you can’t really deal with yours….Yeah, slap in the face to him.

Ahmadinejad, although he seems level headed, sadly would go to war in a heart beat against us. Look, we are in a day and age, where any country is ready to go to war with anyone who comes in their way. And since no one really likes us, guess what? It will be a fight. So Obama, Stay OUT!!!!!

We tried to go over to Iraq and restore peace, sadly its worst than when we first got there and the Iraqi people blame us for things that have taken place in the last five years. We are not the savior of the world. Ahmadinejad and his government needs to take care of this themselves. It is sad, but this is not our fight. Look, when Bush won the first election and people were pissed off, protesting and signing petitions and what not, yes it was not as crazy as what is going on in Iran, but everyone stayed out.

So here’s my message to you Mr. President……STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!


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