Will Obama face McCain?

Monday, May 26, 2008

As the last couple of primaries come underway, it looks like the new kid from the block, Barack Obama will take the Democratic nomination, or will he?
Senator Obama is 52 delegates shy of taking the nomination, but will the DNC choose him? There has been talks that if Obama takes the nomination, the democrats will not win the White House. One and it's quite sad that America still thinks like this, but because he's Black and another because he may not have much experience. Although he is winning state after state and Americans has proven they want him, will the DNC look at the two issues above and push him out? Senator Clinton is hoping for the same treatment her husband received when he ran in 1992, he came third in the polls and stole the nomination, is this what the New York Senator is looking for?

America needs something new, we need a new breathe politics and that is where Senator Obama comes in. He is leading in the polls, because America is tired of the same old BS of Politics. Politicians in Washington change seats, but their ideas and way of thinking doesn't necessarily change as well. Yes, Senators Clinton and McCain have over 30 years of experience when it comes to this country, but are we going to lead America into the future with the old way of thinking? Both Senators have this one up on Obama, but I honestly feel America WANTS something new, they are tired of the same drama, the same circle of issues that never seems to end. However, with all that said, there is still another issue at hand. This country has come a long way, and for Obama's race to even be an issue, it's just plain sad.

For an American to say he or she is not voting for a candidate because he is black, it is just plain ridiculous. If someone is going to bring about a new change and make America the great super power it use to be and they are clearly what this country needs, are we not going to vote for them because their skin color is darker? How messed up is this country, we have come along way to have petty issues like this. But I guess racism is not something that can be erased, I reckon it is more generational than anything else. There has been minority leaders and women leaders, who have proven that they can do the job. Now whether or not Obama can do this job, the color of his skin should not have been an issue. America is a progressive state, and for us to even make this a problem, it only shows we are not as progressive as we say we are, but rather a regressive state.


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